Solidarity for Iran

Long live Solidarity!
by Thaddeus Hutyra on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 at 16:52

The seperation of state and religion should be the Einstein theory of realativity when it comes to the world's order! Letting a religion to run state affairs is a disaster of enormous proportions. The example is Iran where hundred of thousands people have already been executed! Therefore, the US, EU, UN and other world powers should proclaim a new world order according to which the seperation of state and religion as well as human rights should be a basic law in every country! The best would be to establish the World Union or the United World as you like which would be an organisation on a world scale, something as the United Nations is but much more efficient when it comes to deal with criminal regimes and all sorts of dictatorships. Only countries which have human rights in their constitutions would be eligible to become part of such an organisation and being part would mean lots of benefits while the countries left out would be isolated. Iran is a classic example of what is wrong. There is no seperation of state and religion and there are no human rights respected, especially the women rights. Women live perpetually in grave danger to be imprisoned at any time, and even charge to stoning to death or to hanging practically for nothing. It is just the arrogancy of the ajatollahs which decide the women fate.
The bestiality of mens has no borders when it comes to wrong ideas. The fact alone of stoning women to death is enough to judge the system in Iran and the Muslim ideologies as a whole, WRONG!
And so much misery is being perpetuated in Iran in the name of God! This Iranian religious system is worse than communism was, so evil that Satanist to the core!
The seperation of state and religion should be thus the Einstein theory of realativity in the world's order and no country should ever be allowed to question it!
We have so big problems with the Muslims because of many issues which were not realized, and the Western world has its share in it. We must know they, the Muslims, live now in their Middle Ages and are unable to comprehend the modern world. Remember what the Europeans did in the Middle Ages? How their women were treated? Burned on fire? This is what the Muslims are doing now, their cruelties again women. The West has its share in this because very many things were not done, the USA was busy with building its financial empire but has forgotten about something more important: its freedoms to bring over to Muslims and to establish such institutions which would promote freedoms within the Muslim societies and especially the rights and freedoms of women. Barack Obama also does nothing in this regard, I am afraid. Furthermore, the UN membership for example should have been enabled only for those countries which were ready to adapt by accepting the UN Human Rights Declaration as the basic law in their countries. This has not happened and instead all the opposite things which spurred the Muslim societies even deeper in their Middle Ages. Do we have then any chance? Not if the powerful of this world do nothing!
Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon of the United Nations should act to expel from the United Nations these countries which engage in barbaric acts. There can be no place in the United Nations for countries which engage in bestial killings as for example the massal executions which happen in Iran.
Organised religions brought civilisation upon us so we evolved from the apes. But once the goal was achieved the religions made a stop, suppressing any sort of dissent...To go further in human civilisation religion had to be put aside but only some regions succeded in this so far.
Islam is NOT a religion of peace as long as women are treated as inferior to men and the homosexuals are banned! I don't know whether this things are written down in Quran but if they are then Islam is not a religion of peace forever. But there is still a chance to make this religion peaceful: by seperating it from the state affairs, the way as it happened in Europe... There is a real seperation of religion and state affairs in Europe now, and there is NO seperation of religion and state affairs in the Muslim world.
Never let a religion to take over the state affairs! Where there is no seperation between religion and state affairs there are such horrible things we're witnessing now in Iran. The same was centuries ago on the European ground, the so called Holly Inquisition and women put on fire, only because religion was the boss at the state affairs. The problem is whether Muslims will ever learn that religion can NEVER run state affairs and be away from the state affairs, according to the most revolutionary ever principle that there must be a seperation between religion, any religion and the state affairs...
What is a chance the Iranians switch to modernity? Modern thinking, modern lifestyles? To be successful the Iranians would have to put religion on a back track, and the seperation of state affairs and religion would certainly had to be a precondition to modernity? The sex lives of the adults in Iran should have been decriminalized and left to be a private matter, at least the way it is in the civilized world. Can the Iranians manage it?
Time to say "No" to the Ajatollahs, "No" to the regime! Time for the Iranian workers, students, men and women to unite and say "No"! May they all unite in the name of solidarity. Long live Solidarity!
It is time for USA and the whole free world to step up with numerous measures against the Iran's regime, including an effectieve Iron Curtain the way it was successfully done before against communism, being enforced peacefully till the Iranian regime of ajatollahs is crashed. The fundemental international rules, including human rights and seperation of state and religion must be upheld in every country in this age of a global village...
But if to believe to some historical accounts, true or not true, the Shah Reza Pahlavi wasn't so good to his political oponents, he also had his hands blooded as now the Ajatollahs although they have it in unbealivably higher amounts. No! I wouldn' choose in Iran neither for Shah nor for Ajatollahs! I would choose for a President and Parliament, the way as it is in France! So let's work together to abolish the criminal regime of ajatollahs in Iran and to establish a democratic system there with a president and a General Assembly the way it is in France. Long live Solidarity!
My idea is future Iran should have president and parliament modelled on France as I have already mentioned, its president and its General Assemby. The Iranian people deserve to be free of never ending tyrannies, and the Shah Reza Pahlavi also had blood on his hands, much less than the ajatollahs at present, but he did have! It is good the present Reza Pahlavi family is also engaged in searches to bring democracy in Iran. But please understand, for the sake of all Iranians, that the best option for the future Iran are neither Shah nor Ajatollahs, but a real democracy modelled on the western democracies and best on France, with president and General Assembly. Introducing again a dynasty in Iran would be a disastrous solution for the Iranians, you must know Iranians had lived for centuries under the tyranny of dynasties and their arrogance as well as under the Islamic theocracies. Time to give Iranians now what they deserve the best, and it is the real constitutional democracy, with a president and parliament.